Our Mission
The Gloucester Education Foundation drives innovation, encourages creativity, expands student opportunities and empowers educators to strengthen teaching and learning in the Gloucester Public School District.
Our Vision
Students in the Gloucester Public School District are engaged in, and enthusiastic about, their education, are prepared to reach their fullest potential, and are dedicated to community engagement.
Our Goal
To help the Gloucester Public School District be one of the best school districts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Core Values
Leadership—we strive to be leaders in the community by providing the catalyst for innovation and creative educational programs.
Integrity—we maintain the highest level of organizational integrity in our relationships with educators, students, parents, donors and other members of the community.
Culture of Excellence—we collaborate with the Gloucester Public School District to provide a healthy, challenging learning environment that engages students and builds upon their individual learning styles and unique abilities.
Community Engagement—we promote community awareness about the needs and opportunities within the Gloucester Public School District and collaborate with community organizations to help achieve our mission.
Gloucester Education Foundation (GEF) was formed in 2005 by Ed Shoucair and a group of Gloucester residents who were committed to public education and wanted to bring support to the Gloucester Public Schools, which at the time were facing serious budget challenges threatening programs in arts and music, science, and other areas. The Foundation set out to transform the way education was approached in the Gloucester schools, with the goal of making the Gloucester Public School District one of the best in the state. During its first year, the GEF board raised $100,000 from the community and in 2006–the same year GEF was incorporated–made its first grants.
GEF appointed its first Director, Maggie Rosa, in 2008, who served for four years as a full-time volunteer and in 2012 GEF hired its first full-time Executive Director, a position that continues today, along with one support staff.
Over the past 19 years, the organization has raised over $10 million in donations and grants, sponsoring new and innovative programs for all ages throughout the district. These programs (a full list of both current and past programs can be viewed here) have supported thousands of students in the Gloucester Public School District.
While the Foundation has grown tremendously, the mission remains the same: drive innovation, encourage creativity, expand student opportunities and empower educators to strengthen teaching and learning in the Gloucester Public School District.