Arts Fest moves to a new venue for 2025: O’Maley Middle School and CAM Green!

The 2025 Gloucester Student Arts Festival will be held on Saturday, May 17th at a new venue: O’Maley Middle School and CAM Green! Arts Fest is an annual celebration of the arts in the Gloucester Public Schools, a day to enjoy creativity, connection, and celebrating our students’ talents as a Gloucester community. It is led by the Gloucester Education Foundation in partnership with the Gloucester Public Schools, Cape Ann Museum (CAM), and a host of local arts and cultural partners.

With both Sawyer Free Library and CAM currently under renovation, we’ve moved the festival to a new site for 2025. O’Maley will be the main venue, with PK-12 artwork on display, performances from theater, band, recorder, and chorus; food vendors; and over a dozen art-making activities. A free shuttle will take festival-goers to nearby CAM Green to see additional student artwork and to participate in more art-making activities.

Check back here throughout April and May for more details and for the final event schedule, food vendors, and more!

Want to learn more? Here is a recap of the 2024 festival, see the gallery for wonderful photos from Marty Del Vecchio, GHS student Lexi Thomas, and GEF staff, and here is a video created by our friends at 1623 Studios from our 2023 festival!

The Gloucester Student Arts Festival is an annual collaboration between GEF, GPS, Cape Ann Museum, and the City of Gloucester, with generous support from Institution for Savings, Applied Materials Foundation, BankGloucester, Gloucester Female Charitable Association, and Gloucester Education Foundation. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available; please contact ( for more information.


Power of Play Returns in 2025!